A complete Guide on Online Education in India

Nelson Mandela had famously said that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” While that is a compelling statement in itself, what has emerged in this current scenario is the importance of education and the significance of online education in India. The world has gone through an unprecedented…

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How to change India’s higher education?

Higher education in India has witnessed expeditious growth over the past two decades, mainly propelled by private sector initiatives. Today, with more than 17,900 institutions, India stands as the third-largest higher education system in the world in terms of enrolment (preceded by China and the USA), with the largest number of institutions in the world.…

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How to improve India’s education system?

When we start a didactic discourse on improving education in India, we must first understand What ails the state of education in India. India is at the nation-building stage with around 1.2 billion and the median age safely approximately 26 years. It is this age group and the expertise that can win over the world.…

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